Meeting of the Pre-Council Committee – Summary – November 29, 2016

Pre-Council Committee Teleconference
November 29, 2016

Opened with the prayer “O Heavenly King” at 9:00 PM EST.

Attendees: Abp. Andronik, Abp. Sophroniy, Archpriest Nikita Grigoriev, Hegumen Andrei, Hieromonk Ignatiy, D. Gontscharow, M. Kotlaroff and V. Yarmolinets.

  1. The final list of reports were approved:
    a. Met. Agafangel’s violations of the canons
    b. Conciliarity in the church and its violation by Met. Agafangel
    c. Church districts and Ukase No. 362
    d. Spiritual unity of the Church while divided administratively
    e. ROCA church publications and the website Internet-Sobor
    f. The question of apostolic succession within the Sekachev episcopate

  2. It was decided that the Council proceedings need to be taped.

  3. Help is needed to translate materials into English. We need more translators.

  4. Translators are needed for simultaneous translations during the Council proceedings.

The teleconference concluded at 11:10 PM EST with the prayer “It is Truly Meet.”