Notification of the Restoration of Eucharistic Communion between Bishop Stefan and Archbishop Andronik

By the Grace of God, on Tuesday April 4th, 2017, at the cathedral of the Dormition in Trenton New Jersey, a meeting took place between the bishops and clergy of the two respective dioceses headed by Bishop Stefan (Sabelnik) and Archbishop Andronik (Kotliaroff).
In attendance were: Bishop Stefan, Archbishop Andronik, Mitered Protopriest Gregory Kotlaroff, Protopriest Sergei Klestow, Hieromonk Joseph (Chetkovskiy). Present by telephone were: Protopriest George Tsap, Protopriest Nikita Grigoriev, Hegumen Andrei (Erastov).
The question of restoring Eucharistic communion between us was the main topic of discussion. All unanimously agreed, that there are no barriers preventing us from entering into Eucharistic Communion. It is time to overcome this unnatural division which was artificially imposed on us.
In the near term, decrees will be issued in both respective dioceses of Bishop Stefan and Archbishop Andronik, that henceforth our clergy may serve together.
In accordance with the Decree #362 of Patriarch Tikhon, we are in agreement that in the future we will need to organize one Church District that encompasses all Dioceses in the Diaspora. We will be working out administrative questions related to the organization of a mutual ecclesiastical authority.
To commemorate our Eucharistic Communion, a joint archbishop service will take place at a set date as decided by our hierarchs.
Bishop Stefan
Archbishop Andronik