A Short Biography of Larissa Petrovna Kuznetsova

On June 9, 2017, the day commemorating St. John of Russia, Larisa Petrovna Kuznetsova departed to the Lord. Larisa Petrovna was born and spent her youth in Harbin, China. She eventually made her way to America. Her entire active life was completely devoted to the needs and cares of the Church, as demonstrated by her work with the sisterhood of Holy Trinity Parish in Astoria, NY spanning over the rectorships of Fathers Peter Mocharsky, Valentin Khmelev and Vsevolod Dutikov. She also served as treasurer of the St. Xenia of St. Petersburg Foundation and in many other essential matters, like sewing vestments for the clergy. Like no one else, she knew which button should be buttoned for vestments of even the bishops, and what were the responsibilities of altar attendants during the episcopal services. While raising two children, she found the strength and time to share the sorrows and anxieties of others.
She later moved to Tolstoy Foundation, where the true center of her life was the Church. She attended all the divine services, participated in the many-faceted cares of the sisterhood: organizing meals, cleaning the church, manning the “candle stand”, duties beyond count.
The merciful Lord granted her a truly “blessed, peaceful” demise. After confessing and receiving Holy Communion from her spiritual father, Protopriest Gregory Kotlaroff, her soul departed into eternity.
May her memory be eternal!