Opening of the Summer Orthodox Program for Children in Mountain View (Summer in the Mountains)

On Saturday July 15, 2017 the summer children’s program at Mountain View opened. Upon arriving, the children settled into their rooms, then everyone gathered in the dining hall as the director, Svetlana Kotlaroff, spoke about the program of activities as well as the rules of conduct in Mountain View. After lunch the children were divided into 3 groups – each receiving t-shirts of yellow, orange or blue. Everygroup was to decide on their team name and also to come up with a logo and draw it on the T-shirts and caps. The children happily set to work and the 3 teams became: the Celestial Warriors (blue t-shirts), the Foxes (orange) and the Bananas (yellow). Before the parents departed, they were asked to prepare flower beds for an upcoming flower and schrub planting activity. Children gathered raspberries, mulberries and apples, played a version of dodge ball and other games in the open air. Then everyone gathered in a circle to introduce themselves.
After the Vigil and a delicious dinner, the children listened to a fairy tale and went to their rooms to rest after their first very busy day.
On Sunday morning, the most inveterate fishermen rose before light and dawn to catch fish from the pond for lunch. After getting all the children up at 8 am, morning prayers and exercises under the direction of Matushka Alexandra Dobronravova were held. Then there was a competition for the most orderly room and all children received 3 points (the highest score, well done !!!); after the Divine Liturgy and the procession with the Cross, the solemn opening of the program took place which included a greeting from Archbishop Andronik and the raising of the flags (United States and Russian). At lunch, the children were excited to eat a fish soup made from the first morning’s catch. After that, the children played soccer with the adults. During the first 2 days so much has already happened and this is only the beginning. . .