The First Orthodox Summer Program for Children Concludes

On Sunday July 23, 2017 the first Orthodox Summer Program for Children held in Mountain View Russian Cultural Center, NY, which was attended by more than 25 children, concluded. Many interesting things happened this week: sports competitions, arts and craft lessons and music making, hiking, fishing, visiting a farm … but most importantly, the children — some for the first time — encountered Orthodoxy. They attended church services, prayed together, sang in the church choir, decorated the church with flowers, talked with clergy.
The program director, Svetlana Kotlaroff, shared the following,
“As we separated to return home we broke into tears, which means that the organizers and educators had succeeded in creating an atmosphere of love, joy, kindness, happiness … I’d like to share our photos with everyone. I think they will give you an idea of the joy we all shared this past week. All the children became so dear to us that we did not want to let them go, thanks to the ROCA Assistance Fund for financial support, without which we could not have done anything.“
And so, the children and the educators are looking forward to the following year’s program with the firm faith that even more children be able to participate.