The Iveron Choral Conference Opens

The Iveron Choral Conference Opens
A wonderful new tradition is underway in the Spiritual and Educational Center of our Church in Mountain View, New York. On October 27, the Iveron Choral Conference opened here, for which 25 participants from the United States and Canada gathered. The ROCA Assistance Fund, the organizers of the event, dedicated it to the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, whose keeper was the faithful son of the ROCOR, Brother Joseph Muñoz, who suffered a martyr’s death almost exactly 20 years ago.
The program of the Conference includes a workshop by Mark Kotlaroff “The Purpose of Orthodox Singing and Singing Technique” and by Mother Joanna Grigoriev “The Eight Tones: Solfege and Intonation.” Participants of the conference will chant the All-Night Vigil on October 28 and at the Divine Liturgy on October 29 in both Church Slavonic and English. During the conference, a lecture is expected on the history of the Iveron Icon and also about the life and martyrdom of Brother Joseph, and well as a pilgrimage to the grave of Brother Joseph.
A detailed report on the work of the conference will be published later.