“The 100th Anniversary of the Tsar-Golgotha” – an Orthodox Family Conference

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! This year of 2018 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Emperor Nicholas II and is also of the 100th anniversary of the Yekaterinburg assassination of the saintly Imperial Family.
In honour of this occasion our Religious and Educational Center in Mountain View, New York from July 13 to July 15 will hold an Orthodox Family Conference: “The 100th Anniversary of the Tsar-Golgotha”.
The program of the Congress will include papers and talks on the following topics:
- “The Reign of Emperor Nicholas II”
- “The Imperial Martyrs’ Way of the Cross”
- “Forgive us, O Sovereign”
At the Conference a video will be presented: “The Way of the Cross, 100 Years Later” documenting the pilgrimage march held this year which followed the Martyrs’ route from Tsarskoe Selo to Tobolsk to Yekaterinburg, filmed at the end of May. Translation of these events will be provided.
The Orthodox Conference, according to tradition, will be crowned with the Divine Services of an All-Night Vigil and the Divine Liturgy.
The Sunday meal will be followed by a concert of classical music, open to local residents and their friends.
The fee for the convention is $250 per family (1 room occupancy); or $100 per participant.
To register contact Artur Mifedov-Frolov arturmfdv@gmail.com or at (201) 887-5575
A detailed schedule of the Conference will be announced later.