Patronal Feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos Parish in Richmond Hill, NY

Patronal Feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos Parish in Richmond Hill, NY
In life, joy and sorrow are intertwined and often on the same day. The day that we celebrated the Patronal Feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos in the parish of Father Sergei Klestov in Richmond Hill, NY, turned out to be just such a day: the spiritual joy derived from the great Feast and the hierarchal services intertwined with the sorrow over the death of our dear Vladyka Stefan and the servant of God Nina.
On Monday, August 27, Archbishop Andronik of Syracuse and St. Nicholas, with Archpriest Sergei Klestov, solemnly served the All-Night Vigil in Richmond Hill and were joined by parishioners from the Church of the Holy Trinity in Astoria, NY, and the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Valley Cottage, NY. It was joyful that Vladyka Andronik fulfilled the parish’s long-standing hope that an Archbishop lead the All-night service. Of course, no one could forget that it was only three days before the Dormition that we served the funeral for Bishop Stefan – our common spiritual Father, who all of his life stood for Truth and never accommodated himself to any manifestation of falsehood. Unfortunately, after the service Vladyka Andronik had to bid everyone farewell as he had to serve the next day in another Church of the Assumption in Trenton, NJ, where not so long ago Vladyka Stefan was the rector.
Late that night, the news arrived that during the Vigil the servant of God Nina, the mother of Father Sergei Klestov, reposed in the Lord in the 103rd year of her life. Nina Aleksandrovna had a truly amazing life – she was born in Tsarist Russia, in Alapayevsk, before the revolution, lived for many years in Harbin, where she was spiritually nourished by Metropolitan (then Archimandrite) St. Filaret, gave birth to eight children, suffered hunger, persecution, family difficulties, and many other adversities – and through all this carried an unshakable faith in God and His Good Providence. She often said: “I wish health, salvation, and in all good fortune.” In recent years, Nina Aleksandrovna could no longer go to church, although it was only a few years ago that she stood for the entire service, without sitting, and only leaning her elbows on a chair. In the end, Nina Aleksandrovna’s days were very difficult because of the numerous infirmities and ailments of advanced age; she could no longer walk and lived with severe pain; her eyesight, hearing, and speech were almost completely impaired, and she only prayed and waited for the Lord to take her. All of this time she never complained and thanked God for everything – in general, her main activity was praying, prayers written down in a notepad when she could still see, and then from memory when she was almost blind. In all of her conversations, Nina Aleksandrovna always sincerely spoke of herself as the greatest sinner and repented aloud. And the Lord heard her as she reposed on her most beloved feast, which she especially revered and was the specific day on which she wished to end her earthly journey. Eternal memory to the servant of God Nina!
On Tuesday, the very day of the Patronal Feast, the Lord sent us consolation as His Eminence Archbishop Sofroniy arrived from St. Petersburg to lead the Divine Liturgy and to commune with the parishioners. The service was very solemn and peaceful, with many children and communicants, and a procession of the Cross was conducted. Everyone was comforted after the sad news of the previous days. After the procession of the Cross, all in the church sang the polychronion (mnogoletiye) and Vladyka Sofroniy congratulated the rector and all the prayerful with the holiday. After the service, the sisterhood provided an excellent trapeza. We offer a deep bow to Vladyka Andronik and Vladyka Sofroniy for their gracious care and support of the parish and its rector, Archpriest Sergei, during such a difficult time. We believe that God will not abandon us if our small flock remains faithful to Him.