Ija Dmitriyevna has Reposed in San Francisco

On September 22, 2018 at 5:00 PM, Ija Dmitriyevna reposed at the age of 82. Ija Dmitriyevna was born in Latvia and was an amazing person of deep faith and a great Russian heart. We express our condolences to her spouse, the warden of the Church of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco Foma Petrovich, as well as to her relatives and those for whom the deceased was dear!
The Church community was formed from the faithful children of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad who withstood the temptation of union with the unrepentant Moscow Patriarchate in 2007. The church regularly hosts church services and once a month invites priests from the dioceses of Bishop Stefan (+22-08-2018) or Archbishop Andronik. During the most recent visit of a priest, the servant of God Ija, on the day before her death, received the sacraments of Holy Unction and Holy Communion. The eternal memory to the newly reposed Ija!