Patronal Feast Day at the Church of the Holy Assumption in Richmond Hill, NY

On August 28th, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and this is the patronal Feast Day of the Church of the Holy Assumption in Richmond Hill, NY. The patronal celebrations were led by His Eminence Andronik, Archbishop of New York and North America, who served the All-Night Vigil and the Divine Liturgy in concelebration with Archpriest Serge Klestov, the church’s rector.
During the All-Night Vigil, the choir, under the direction of Anna Klestov, sang “Lord Now Lettest Thou Thy Servant Depart” by A. A. Arkhangelskiy, and at the end of the Vespers, a male quartet including Vladyka Andronik, sang “Victorious Triumphant Leader.”
At the conclusion of the Liturgy, a procession of the cross was conducted and the Feast Day celebration ended with a festive trapeza.
In spite of the Feast Day falling on a weekday, many worshippers and guests came to celebrate the Assumption of the Queen of Heaven. The rector and parishioners of Holy Trinity Church in Astoria sent a celebratory congratulation to all parishioners of the Assumption Church:
“The Parish Council, the rector, and the parishioners of Holy Trinity Church in Astoria congratulate all of the parishioners in Richmond Hill on the Feast Day of the Assumption of the Mother of God. We prayerfully encourage you to remain faithful to the Holy Church, so as to be worthy of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary and to fulfill the immutable promise of the Mother of God: “All those who come in faith into Thy holy temple, O Theotokos, Thou ever savest, and those who glorify Thee does Thou deliver from every assault and danger…” (Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in Honor of Her Dormition, kontakion 7).”