A Prayer Service for St. Xenia of St. Petersburg at the Holy Trinity Church in Astoria, NY

This year marks 200 years since the assumption of St. Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg and 41 years since her glorification by our church. As many may know, the St. Xenia of St. Petersburg Foundation was established to memorialize these anniversaries. The goal of the Foundation is to provide varied assistance based on love and mercy to all needy Orthodox people in the homeland and in the diaspora. For the parish of the Holy Trinity Church in Astoria, NY, spiritual fellowship with this saint has a special mystical meaning. When you enter our church, the first person to meet you is St. Xenia, immortalized by a holy icon and a perpetual icon-lamp. From one’s first look, this icon instills the joy of a personal recognition and trust in the great saint. And indeed who among us has not felt Her help and care in all matters! Truly “Divine God in his saints …”
Our prayer service was marked by the giving of thanks, petitions, commemoration and the blessing of God’s St. Xenia. After the prayer service and the anointing with holy oil, the rector, Fr. Dmitriy Dobronravov, explained how important it is in our spiritual life to not only show love for St. Xenia but to also continue her good works to the best of our ability and with Her help. Create a temple of your soul and help your neighbor.