An Appeal from the Right Reverend Andronik, Archbishop of New York and Northern America

In the name of the Lord, dear Brothers and Sisters!
Our Church is living through a difficult time due to the global pandemic of the corona virus. In an attempt to stop the spread of this infection, government authorities are enacting never-before seen restrictions on travel and are forbidding any mass gatherings, including church services.
Let us recall the wisdom of the Holy Church of Christ and what the Church has taught us to do in times of crisis; to pray to the Lord our Jesus Christ, to the Most Holy Theotokos and all the Saints! If possible, to attend the church services and receive the Holy Sacraments, in order to heal our souls and bodies.
Though our members may not be able to attend church services, our priests will continue to conduct services and pray for all of us in this trying time.
I appeal to you, my dear ones, and ask that with my blessing you increase your prayer at home, read the akathists and complete your rule of prayer.
Remember, the Lord is with us and He will not abandon us!
Archbishop of New York and Northern America