The Serbian True Orthodox Church Celebrates the 10- year Anniversary of Consecration into the Episcopacy of Vladika Akakije, Bishop of Uteshiteljevo, and also welcomed Archbishop Sofroniy and other pilgrims from the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad

On Sunday August 8, 2021, at the Uteshiteljevo Monastery, the Serbian True Orthodox Church Celebrated the 10-year anniversary of the consecration into the episcopacy of Bishop Akakije. A Pilgrimage to Serbia and Russia by members of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, and led by Vladika Sofroniy, Archbishop of Northern Russia and Saint Petersburgh, coincided with Vladika Akakije’s anniversary celebration.
The two-stage pilgrimage concluded its first part in Serbia at this glorious celebration where the hierarchal Liturgy was led by Vladika Akakije, and concelebrated with Vladika Sofroniy and Vladika Nectary, Bishop of Shumandia. Igumenia Efrosinia of Novi Stenik Monastary and members of the clergy from across the land came to serve with and/or to congratulate their First Hierarch; namely: Fathers Jovan, Ivitsa, Stefan, Urosh, and Zoran.

After the Liturgy there was a festive luncheon where Vladika Akakije was honored. This was not simply a consecration of another bishop a decade ago, but was a consecration for the Serbian people and land—who wish to glorify God without being a part of Ecumenism and World Orthodoxy.

Vladika Sofroniy expressed warm words to his brother in Christ, Vladika Akakije, to continue serving our Lord and His Church. Speaking on behalf of the pilgrims, Mark Kotlaroff addressed Vladika Akakije and those present, saying that they all felt the holiness of the Serbian Land and the works of its Saints, such as St. Savva and his father the king, St. Simeon. To further emphasize how much these lands and the people touched their hearts, the greeting was delivered in the Serbian language.
The children from the pilgrimage sang Many Years to Vladika Akakije, followed by many exchanges between the Serbian hosts and Russian Orthodox Pilgrims.