New World Order

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
World rulers warn us over and over again that the world will never return to its former state, that the world will face a “great reset” – the New World Order. Most likely, it will be so, but not because they conceived it that way, but because the old world had long been doomed.
The former pre-Covid world could not exist endlessly, because its existence has become meaningless. This was a world in which the killing of infants and the aged has been legalised, in which same sex co-habitation was called marriage: in which the mention of God’s name has become indecency.
It wasn’t the darkness of sin, as much as the absence of light that made this world doomed. The existence of a world where there is no light of Truth becomes senseless. The source of light in the world – The Orthodox Church – has begun to emit darkness instead of light. This can be said not only in regard to World Orthodoxy that is sullied in ecumenism and Sergianism, but alas, the churches of True Orthodoxy have presented themselves as a sorrowful picture.
In the Holy Scripture, there is an expression “the measure of iniquity has been fulfilled”. How many more millions of unborn infants had to be killed: how many more hypocritical speeches had to flow from the lips of Orthodox bishops, so that, finally, the measure of iniquity was fully filled in the former world?
A strong storm became indispensable to sanitize the spiritual atmosphere in the Church. And this storm has arrived. The time has come for a fiery trial.
We must admit that we felt quite comfortable in this old sin-loving world. And who of us can say about himself that he remained completely undefiled and not involved in the corruption of this world? Such a relaxed life, when both faith is kept and a tribute to the world is paid, likened us to the Laodicean church.
The Lord addresses her in this way: “… I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing – and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked” (Rev. 3:14-17).
From these words it is clear that the cause of such a pathetic spiritual state of the Laodiceans was a life in wealth and abundance of earthly goods.
God’s longsuffering is boundless to the humble penitent, but it’s not limitless to the unrepentant and proud. Thus the pre-flood world perished: thus fell the Russian Empire. The Lord allowed the Revolution to occur when the majority of people repudiated the ideal of Holy Russia, repudiated the tsar, and their faith grew cold. The revolutionary storm burst forth, starting the age of martyrdom for the remaining faithful.
Let’s not yearn for the return of the former good life, because it was not good at all. We should not lament about the past tranquil times, but should be joyful that the Lord has sent us cleansing trials.
Under the new world order, we will no longer be able to arrange a comfortable existence for ourselves, as it was before. Because in this new world, true Christians will not be allocated a befitting place. Everyone will be required to choose: we are with Christ or antichrist.
In his 1983 Report to the Bishops’ Council called “The Apocalypse in our time”, the prophetic words of Metropolitan Vitaly are being realised:
“Everybody … will be asked the fateful question: who are you with? With Christ or with the demon? And there will be no longer room for spiritual neutrality: it won’t be possible anymore to remain on the side… The choice is simple and clear: Light or darkness, Christ or Belial… A great number of Orthodox Christians will not endure this burning trial and will plummet in a great fall… Only those who love Christ unfeignedly, those who are faithful to Him even unto death, will remain…”
While the antichrist has not yet appeared, his kingdom is already being established before our very eyes at a rapid pace. The essence of his kingdom – undivided universal domination of lies and evil.
It’s possible to run a parallel between today’s program of vaccination for Covid and the mark of the antichrist.
This is what is said about the mark of the antichrist in the Revelation of St. John the Theologian: “He causes all, both great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” (Rev. 13:16-17).
The mark on the right hand or on the forehead will be a sign of submission to the Beast – antichrist, as well as a necessary condition for participation in public life. One who has not accepted this imprint will be fated to full isolation from the community (the expression “buy and sell” is a short summation of the interrelationship of an individual with the community).
Today, in full accordance with Revelation, a mission is in place to inject some type of substance into the body of every human being on earth. With that – also in accord with Revelation, the acceptance of the vaccine serves as a sign of submission to the new order, and will be required in order to be included into the life of the new world.
We cannot choose the path of compromise with these enforced measures. If the Church starts to follow new rules, such as vaccinations, changes to the order of Holy Communion etc., then how will the Church be able to expose the lies of antichrist’s kingdom? She will become a “salt that lost its savour”.
Spiritual fall inevitably leaves a trace in the soul: it dulls the conscience, making further falls less sensitive. It appears that to maintain a “vaccinated” status, it will be necessary to receive further new injections: after the second dose, a third will follow etc. Having allowed such demeaning actions to take place over oneself for the sake of access to earthly gains, one will not be able to hold fast on any other confines of defence, but will fully submit to all the disciplines of antichrist’s rule.
That’s why our Church does not give a blessing for the receiving of Covid vaccine under any circumstances.
It’s very difficult to follow this advice for those who have a family, small children, financial commitments, for whom refusal to get vaccinated can lead to job loss and inability to earn a living.
But what is the alternative? We cannot sanction something for others that we regard as impermissible for ourselves. How can we bless that which we regard as extremely harmful for both body and soul?
The Lord will not leave those who trust in Him. He gave a promise to the Philadelphian Church to preserve her in the forthcoming hardship: “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth” (Rev. 3:10).
We do not judge those who have a different opinion and believe that the vaccine will protect them from the illness. Sooner or later their eyes will open.
The New World Order is approaching, and we also desperately need to be renewed. We should re-examine our lives: reassess our scale of values. Faith should become the core upon which our life is based. It is necessary to get closer to the Church and not miss a single opportunity to be at church service, while we still have such an opportunity, to read spiritual literature, diligently fulfill your home rule of daily prayers, and often receive Holy Communion. It’s necessary to repent and forgive mutual offences.
We must transform ourselves from being a Laodicean church into a Philadelphian one, which will meet our Lord Jesus Christ at His Second Coming. The Lord addresses Her with the following words: “Behold! I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown” (Rev. 3:7-11).
Bishop Andrei
Translated by Seraphim Larin
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