On Friday 12th November 2021, a group of approximately 30 pilgrims set forth from the east coast to the west coast with the aim of venerating the Holy Relics of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco.
Inasmuch as the group of pilgrims was headed by the Diocesan Archbishop Andronik, all the initial signs of the pilgrimage appeared somewhat special. Not only that, but for the first time Archbishop Sofroniy of Saint-Petersburg and Northern Russia also travelled to venerate the Relics. One of the last participants, who was able to register for the pilgrimage and was especially happy to be able to travel, was Protopresbyter Gregory Kotlaroff.
Everybody that flew in that evening was greeted by Father Oleg Gritsenko and his son Dimitry, who themselves arrived from their residence in Washington State in order to participate in the pilgrimage. Fr.Oleg looks after our parish in Southern San Francisco (consecrated to Saint John) and laity that live on the west coast of America.
Impressions of what transpired over these 2 days – 13th and 14th November, was shared by three pilgrims:
“Somehow, in overhearing the name John of Shanghai and San Francisco, I thought that the conversation was about two Saint Johns. As a person that is just beginning to familiarize myself with Orthodoxy, I often find myself in funny situations and try to receive them with humor.
From the moment Svetlana shared the unbelievable history of her finding “by chance” (a letter from Vladika John); I reviewed film documentaries of him for tens of hours, and read many reminiscences of his contemporaries. Thus, after a few months had elapsed, the San-Francisco pilgrimage had become a not “by chance” happening for the 30 plus people – including me.

On the first day a great gift was received by everybody in visiting Vladika John’s cell. This tiny room was literally filled with a warm glow, smell of wood, old books and a great volume of black and white photographs. The furniture was only a desk, chair, shelves and the same armchair in which Vladika spent his rare hours of rest. Each one of us was allowed to sit in it and perceive and feel a bit closer to Vladika.

The outside of the Holy Virgin Cathedral, where the Relics of John of Shanghai are found, appear quite impressive. A tall structure with majestic cupolas and inner walls fully covered with icons. But a great awe was inspired by the nook located in darkness to the right of entry, which had the reliquary with Saint John’s relics. The fact that we had the presence of Fr.Gregory, Vladikas Andronik and Sofroniy, as well as Fr.Oleg, made this occasion more special for everyone! After we had venerated Vladika John’s Relics, a feeling of keeping silent and not conversing remained for a time.

Another gift was received by the friendship with the parishioners of a church – small but ardent in all respects. Having found out that they had no parish priest and proper regular Church Services, many of us felt an enormous respect for their selflessness, and unlike their situation, a gratitude for us being able to attend Liturgy every Sunday.
Despite the fact that pilgrimage means travelling to holy places for veneration, I had a feeling which would not leave me: that we were travelling to a person who knows us well and is welcoming us as guests. Up to recently, I practically knew nothing about John of Shanghai: but he appeared to me so well known – as though I had already seen him somewhere. And more recently, I was able not simply visit him, but touch part of his earthly life, which he lived so recently – a few decades ago.
Thank you, Vladika John, for your unconditional love, which has no time limits or boundaries.”
Pilgrim Maya
“On the first day of our pilgrimage, we visited the orphanage of Tikhon Zadonsk. We had a wonderful opportunity to pray in the cell of Saint John of Shanghai and San-Francisco. The cell is enriched by a huge life-size portrait of Vladika. You could also see Vladika’s personal items, books and icons. Opposite the portrait was an icon of Saint John of Tobolsk, in whose honour Vladika was named in 1926. Every pilgrim had an opportunity to sit in Vladika’s armchair…and not simply sit in it: to pray: to speak with him: to thank him. To feel his warmth and preserve it.”

Pilgrim Aliona
“I wanted to visit San-Francisco for a long time, but somehow I couldn’t make it. And here was an announcement about the pilgrimage, and especially with 2 priests and two Bishops, so a refusal would have been foolish.
The pilgrimage commenced with a visit to the building of the orphanage Saint John established in Shanghai and relocated to San Francisco. Inside the building was a church of Saint Tikhon Zadonsk and a cell, where Vladika lived and worked. The cell itself is very small and modest, which didn’t even have a bed: Vladika normally rested in the armchair in a half-sitting manner. We were permitted to sit in it! It’s very cosy here, and Vladika is next to you – in a full-size portrait.
We then continued into the cathedral to venerate the Holy Relics and “send” letters and notes – which you were able to place under the reliquary, with requests to the great Righteous Saint of the Russian Church Abroad. Father Gregory served a Molieben with many commemorations, and we venerated the Relics and sang “glorification” frequently.
In the evening, an All-night Vigil was conducted in the parish of Saint John. The majority of us have never visited this parish, so it was interesting to discover the lifestyle of our brethren from the western coast. The small church was very cozy, and an unseen presence of the Saint could be felt (with me personally – especially during Confessional).
The following day, there was a celebratory Divine Liturgy, during which nearly all present had Holy Communion. The choir sang smoothly under the conducting of Foma. The often accustomed everyday tunes sounded differently – more melodic and prayerful.

At the celebratory repast, which was magnificently prepared, it was possible to acquaint yourself closer with the parishioners. Spiritual joy responded in the heart of everyone, many of which cannot be expressed with words; feelings cannot be conveyed with the pen. In a word – a blessing. Glory be to God for everything!”
Pilgrim and Reader George.
One more pleasant note to the pilgrimage was tonsuring of Dimitri Gritsenko as a Reader by Vladika Andronik.

This pilgrimage was organized by the ROCA Assistance Fund, and an especial gratitude is extended to the warden and choir conductor Foma Schmit, as well as to the whole Brotherhood and Sisterhood of St. John’s church that have applied so much love and effort, so as to make everyone welcome in their parish!
Saint Father John, pray for us!