Christmas Epistle of Archbishop Sophronius

Angels, comprising the heavenly choir,

announced the good news of the shepherds, proclaiming:

Fear not, for I bring you tidings of great joy, which will be to all people (Luke 2:10).

Christ is born! Glorify Him!

The Holy Church in her chants reminds us — “Christ is born, glorify Him.” Not “Christ was born,” but “Christ is born.” This simple and at the same time a significant phrase gives us an understanding that the Incarnation of God is an eternal and living event in the existence of the whole world, in the history of mankind. And although there is no need to repeat what has already been said about the celebration of the Nativity of Christ many times, we must still constantly preach the wisdom of God, mystery hidden, which God had intended from before time for our glory, (1 Cor. 2:7).

Today I encourage you to relive the great joy at the birth of the Lord again. Our Lord Himself to us, His servants, Who came to us in the form of a servant, because we could not come to Vim. Each time, when visiting the Holy Land, we, as it were, reveal to ourselves the fifth Gospel, which was written by the very events in Israel. There we see how Adam, neglecting the commandments of God, allowed the entry of sin, and Jesus, “obeying the law” (Gal. 4: 4), returned the power of righteousness. The former,

following the devil, even before the secret enablement, was deserving that in him everyone died, and this, obeying His Father, humbled Himself and was submissive unto death, and death on the Cross, (Phlp. 2: 8). Christ with His deed made it so that all in Him come to life. As those related in descent with Adam die, so all will be brought badk to life by faith in Christ (Cor. 15:22).

To the degree we were distanced from God by sins, so the Angels, the citizens of God, rejected association with us the distanced from God. But, as the devil came to the virgin Eve, the Angel came to the Virgin Mary so that the Angel of good overthrew the angel of evil. The first angel turned the virgin Eve to unbelief, the second angel turned the Virgin Mary to faith. The former believed the evil adviser, the latter the Creator God. On this sacred night, the angels give glory, the shepherds worship, the magi bring gifts. Let us, instead of gold, incense, offer ourselves, humble and submissive. Seeing our brother hungry, we will nourish him, seeing him thirsty, give him to drink, seeing his nakedness, we clothe him, seeing him wandering and homeless, we will bring him home and treat him as a guest, seeing the sick, visit, comfort him and serve him. Because everything accomplished by our Lord, is beneficial for us not only in the Sacrament, but also as an example to follow.

I greet and salute all the venerable pastors, monks and laity of our diocese on this joyful and great holy day!


Archbishop of St. Petersburg and North Russia Nativity of Christ 2022.