Glorification of St. Martyr Joseph (Muñoz-Cortez) in the Diaspora District of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad

On Sunday February 4, 2024, the day of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, another martyr was canonized as a holy new martyr, namely Brother Joseph (Jose) Muñoz-Cortez.
The glorification of the saint took place in the city of Sydney, in the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, where clergy and parishioners from various places gathered.
The services were led by two bishops: Archbishop Andronik of New York and North America and Bishop Andrei of Yarraville and Australia. Three priests and four deacons participated in the hierarchal services.
The day before, at the All-Night Vigil, the clergy sang “the Magalynarion”(Velichaniye) to the newly glorified saint for the first time.
Before the liturgy, during the reading of the hours, Archbishop Andronik tonsured Jacob Nardella as a reader.
The service ended with a Procession of the Cross around the church.
After the service, a banquet was held, where everyone who took part in this celebration was offered a program that included the life of St. Martyr Joseph and personal memories of him.
Greetings, sent from far away, were also read aloud, from those who could not attend.