Palm Sunday Appeal For Donations To The ROCA Fund For Assistance

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,
With the blessing of Archbishop of New York, North America, and Canada Arndronik, on the occasion of the feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, or Palm Sunday, all parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad are asked to collect donations for the ROCA Fund for Assistance.
We take this opportunity to remind everyone that our Assistance Fund is not dedicated to a parish nor even to a diocese but rather serves our entire Church. The Fund provides to all! The Fund helps monasteries, offers assistance to churches that are in need of repairs, and those that are newly rebuilt. The Fund underwrites our spiritual and educational conferences and related church events, as well as offers help to clerics who find themselves in difficult circumstances. This past year, a number of our clergy found themselves in difficult life situations.
Whether your donation is great or small, it is welcome as long as it comes from the soul. As our forefathers have done, let us contribute regularly, each according to his means, and remembering that regular donation to the Church is most important and beneficial. May the Lord God safeguard you for your generosity and mercy.
ROCA Assistance Fund
Donations may be made payable to the “ROCA Assistance Fund” and sent to:
ROCA Assistance Fund
PO B0X 591
Valley Cottage, NY 10989