Genuine holy courage is always united with the feeling of deep humility. A humble person is always ready to endure everything, both internal and external, considering himself to be deserving not only of the sorrows which are sent him, but even more. It is impossible to upset and confuse a humble person–he is ready for everything, as St. Moses the Black said when they drove him out of the trapeza: “I made ready, and I was not troubled” (Ps. 118:60). And so, let us prepare our souls and hearts with humility, and it will help us to endure every temptation. – St Nikon

Oftentimes we think of courage as something larger than life that only “heroes” do, certainly not most of us. However, that is not the case as a matter-of-fact courage is inextricably tied to humility and they are often two sides of the same coin. You see, to face any circumstance that comes our way whether internal (sicknesses or deteriorating health) or external (family, work, or social issues) is something that takes great humility, or rather, profound humility and courage to endure whatever the sorrows are. Knowing it was sent to you, not to destroy you, but to teach you, heal you, to make you conform more and more into the image of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Those with courage can face life’s events humbly for the sake of Christ and our souls. Courage is not for the extraordinary person, but for the ordinary individual, you, and me.

Humility is not easy though, and it must be obtained through great labors, but once attained it brings you the courage and resolve to face anything the world or the devil throws at you. Resist the devil and he will flee from you we are told. In courage we stand and face him, but in our humility and trust in our Lord and Savior he is going to flee. The Fathers tell us pride draws the demons to us, but humility drives them away.

So beloved, as Saint Nikon of Optina says, “Let us prepare our souls and hearts with humility, and it will help us endure every temptation.” Indeed, humility will not only help you endure every temptation but the COURAGE that comes with it will help you face every ADVERSITY. May we all begin today to find humility and courage as our constant companion. GOD LOVE YOU!

-Fr Lazarus