“Trials” – an Article by Fr. Lazarus Gahles

“Lord, I believe, help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24)

    Difficulties in life come to us all, we Orthodox Christians are not exempt from the trials and the pain that others experience however, how we meet these trials and difficulties are worlds apart. Asking God’s help in our times of trial is intrinsic to one who has a foundational belief in God’s goodness and His providence. This cry in the time of our pain sometimes remains for us a constant prayer “Lord, help my unbelief.” Although the shadows of doubt can sometimes plague us and seem overwhelming, yet, we must remember that we do have an anchor for our soul, Jesus Christ, who is an ever-present help in our times of trouble. Many people can relate to the fact that sometimes we fail to call upon the Lord or we get angry that these circumstances have come into our lives. Beloved, at times these doubts will come but, we Orthodox don’t let them take root in our minds for it is our faith, no matter how small, that Jesus said can move mountains, and it is our faith that overcomes the world the world of pain, loss, trials, and tribulations. In this time of trial is where we differ from those who are not Orthodox, because even though we are IN the world, we are not OF the world. To say it plainly, we live in this world for another world.

    Believing in God the Father and feeling His presence in times of difficulties means that we turn to Him relying completely on Him, absolutely trusting our whole life to Him, and have hope in His Paternal love, since we also love Him. For this reason, this intimate dependence presupposes love. Furthermore, it presupposes the confident belief that there is someone who hears our cries of pain and our sobbing: God Almighty. In facing every trial and tribulation, in order to navigate through discouragement and loss, when dealing with traumatic circumstances and physical, psychological and emotional pain it becomes necessary for us to lean upon the Rock of our faith, the anchor for our soul, Jesus Christ. The Psalmist knows that God is always “Our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Ps 45:2). That is why he exclaims “Therefore, we will not fear, even though the earth be removed” (Ps 45:3). It is our faith beloved that becomes a strong tower for us who believe in the midst of our troubles and it is here that we realize that the Lord becomes everything to us who believe. It is in these troubles that we go through when many feel as if they are sinking that we must know and believe He will never let us. As I often tell others, God is working something in you even though it does not feel good at the moment and that you will learn what you truly have in Jesus when Jesus is all you have. May each of you find the riches you have in Christ as you navigate the storms of life! God Bless you.

In Christ’s Love,

Fr Lazarus