Bishops’ Conference

Bishops’ Conference (by phone) with the participation of the ROCA District Council

20th of August 2020.

Conference agenda:

1. The question of the canonicity of ordinations performed by the Synod of Met. Vitaly in Mansonville, in 2001.

2. Commemoration of the authorities.


1. After a lengthy discussion and consideration of all the circumstances, it was decided to recognize as valid the episcopal consecrations performed by the Synod of Met. Vitaly in Mansonville in 2001

2. The Church at each service prays for the civil authorities in accordance with the command of the Holy Scripture: “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.” (1 Tim. 2: 1-2).

And elsewhere St. Paul says that “there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.” (Rom. 13: 1)

This means that the very institute of governing authorities was established by God to preserve order and curb crime. But the authorities that openly oppose God and His law, and persecute the Church, cannot be called authority from God.

The New Martyrs of Russia did not pray for godless Soviet power, unlike the Sergianist Moscow Patriarchate.

The authorities are currently issuing decrees that are clearly hostile to the Church. For example, the ban on attending church services, the ban on Holy Communion, on chanting in church, etc. It may become hard for a priest’s conscience to commemorate the authorities, openly theomachous, during the service. On the other hand, there may be well-meaning individuals in government.

Therefore, at present, the Council of Bishops delegates it to the discernment of each priest to commemorate or not to commemorate the local authorities.

Those who do not want to commemorate the authorities may pronounce at litanies instead of:

“For this land, its authorities and armed forces…”

” For this land and the faithful that dwell therein…”